Are we better off under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 whereby Fire Brigade Officers are less prescriptive with their recommendations to the Responsible Person? Going back 15 years the fire brigade would effectively outline exactly what should be done in a building, where a fire door or smoke detector should be fitted etc. Now, the Responsible Person is told it is all on them and they must carry out a fire risk assessment and the recommendations within it. Perhaps this is a better system? I have carried out fire risk assessments to premises where clients have told me they get different advice from different Fire Brigade Officers every year so it depends on who visits. What happens if a fire risk assessment has been carried out that is not suitable and sufficient and the client has carried out the wrong recommendations? Will the Fire Brigade still just outline what articles have not been met under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and tell then to blindly follow their fire risk assessment? Is there a trade off to be made here or a better balance? Anyone had similar issues with clients who are confused after a Fire Brigade or fire risk assessment visit and left feeling that all that is happening here is people are simply covering their backs rather than being straight with them? Thoughts?